Sketch by Elizabeth Williams @ U.S. v. Cioffi and Tannin (E.D.N.Y.)


Brian Sano 

Somehow I fell into many opportunities to lead others throughout my life professionally and personally.  I tried.  I succeeded.  I failed.  Others inspired me.  I want to inspire others.  Now, I hope to share what I’ve learned and am learning.  Simply put:

How might we explore our dreams, curiosity, and creativity to grow together?

My story

By developing and delivering human capital management programs and training, I connect business brains (vision/purpose) with human hearts (employee engagement/development). Through coaching, mentoring, and fostering an “everyone” culture, I develop a diverse group of people as leaders and support their sense of purpose, meaning, inclusion, and belonging, while driving innovative results. I hope to inspire a shared vision and empower others through building collaboration and trust that helps them to learn, thrive, and reach their true potential. I manage human doings, but lead human beings - designing human systems. 


My "Why" statement?

To care for and celebrate others, so they can lead creative, cheerful, and meaningful lives.

To learn more about me and my experience, click below to view my LinkedIn profile.